Saturday, September 26, 2009

Decorated Clipboard's

These clipboards were a huge hit with the teachers last year and I had a ton of fun making them. They would also make great gifts for coaches and kids.
I used the schools "rock" theme as inspiration and found clip art online. On the back, I added a class photo along with a photo of my child and the teacher. ~They loved them!

Other possible themes could include:
Thank you for a Dog Gone Good Year.
Hats off to________. (use class photo using silly hats)
Thank you for making us all stars (or All"stars" w/ sports theme)
We are wild about you. (animal print)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Flower Pens and Paper Clips

These Flower Pen and Crafty Cute Paper Clips were treasured gifts by all who received them. Great gifts for teachers, secretary or friends.